Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Pretties"--by Scott Westerfeld

I didn't want to put it down.  You definitely need to read "Uglies" first in order to understand everything in this book.  I really enjoyed how the story built on from the last book and just kept going.  I never got bored reading it and I was a little impatient about things and had trouble with wanting to know what was going to happen.  I was a really good book.  I'm so excited to read the next one!

"Uglies"--by Scott Westerfeld

I really liked this book.  I think most kids 6th grade and up would enjoy reading it.  It made me think the way it would be if life were really this way.  It was nice having a book that got me to really think about the way life is.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"River Secrets"--by Shannon Hale

I thought this was a really good book.  I enjoyed reading more about Razo.  I actually liked this one better than "Goose Girl" and "Enna Burning", though those are both really good books.  I would recommend high school students to read this book.  It was interesting that some of the Tiran did want peace and some wanted to go back to war.  Some of the soldiers seemed to be going to extraordinary lengths to go back to war.  It was also interesting how she tied in water speaking, a lot like how the other books she had fire speaking and wind speaking.  It was definitely a very good book.

"Adeline Street "--by Carol Lynch Williams

Leah grows a lot during the book.  I thought it was a good book and I enjoyed seeing that happen.  It definitely helped finish up "Kelly & Me".  I'm glad I read this book after reading the first one.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

"Kelly and Me"--by Carol Lynch Williams

If you haven't noticed I have been reading a lot of her books lately and I decided to do this after meeting her.  This wasn't my favorite book of hers, but it was still good.  It did make me cry towards the end, but there are a lot of happy and funny parts in it as well.  She did a really good job at writing/describing things as an 11/12 year old would.  

"Christmas in Heaven"--by Carol Lynch Williams

This was a pretty good book.  The thing I liked most about it is the fact that she is really good at writing at the age of the kid telling the story.  It definitely has is happy, funny, and sad parts.  I really liked how the book ended.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

"If I Forget, You Remember"--by Carol Lynch Williams

I have heard a lot of good things about this book, so I decided to read based on that.  I am glad that I decided to read it.  This book made me think about my great-grandfather, he had Alzheimer's for the last 10 years of his life and it was difficult seeing him that way. Carol did a good job at describing Elyse's feelings about her grandmother having it.  This book almost got me crying.  It is definitely a book I would recommend others to read.